Led by Mr Fatima ORAIBI.
Mr Fatima Oraibi is a distinguished lawyer and the dedicated founder of Oraibi Lawyers. With an impressive background and a passion for lawyering, she has built a trusted reputation as a knowledgeable legal professional.
The focus is on integrity, professionalism and effective communication. Thus, Mr Fatima Oraibi strives to guide clients through complex legal issues and provide them with the best possible legal solutions. By working closely with clients and putting their interests first, she aims to build strong and lasting relationships based on trust and respect.
Mr Fatima Oraibi is:
- Master of Laws (Uantwerp)
- Holder of Cassation in Criminal Cases certificate
- Holder of Salduz certificate (assistance during interrogations)
- Holder of deputy judge's certificate
- Member FBE (Fédérations des Barreaux d'Europe) - Human Rights Committee
- Elected member of the General Assembly at the Order of Flemish Bars
- Former member of the Antwerp Bar Council
- Former member CIBA (International Relations Committee) - Antwerp Bar Association
Advanced knowledge and expertise.
Quality is at the heart of Oraibi Lawyers. Passionate about the law and champion of justice. We listen to your story and guide you within your legal journey.