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Criminal Law
When you are looking for a criminal law lawyer, expertise in this area is important. Our previous cases prove the practical and effective results in successfully defending your criminal case.
Read more about what a Criminal Lawyer can do and what Criminal Law means below.
Family law
Family law deals with all legal questions related to family, the family or your own person. It can cover parentage issues, divorce, adoptions, cohabitation, marriage, maintenance payments, residence arrangements, name, parental authority and custody.
Family property law builds on this and covers legal regulations concerning inheritances, marriage contracts and cohabitation agreements. It deals with the financial settlement of a family case.
Immigration law
Migration is more topical than ever. Belgians emigrating abroad or foreigners moving to Belgium. Immigration law provides answers to all questions dealing with migration.
It also covers the acquisition of Belgian nationality. It is a complex branch of law that few lawyers have really mastered. Find out more about it and get timely advice.
Traffic law
Everyone encounters traffic violations sooner or later. They range from simple parking fines to complex traffic accidents involving injuries. Traffic law determines the rules that apply.
In most cases, your car insurance will cover the costs associated with proceedings such as lawyer's fees and court costs. Get assistance thus. It is usually free of charge.
Juvenile law
Minors are subject to specific regulations if they encounter troubling parenting situations or crimes committed. Cases within foster care also sometimes end up on the table of a juvenile court judge.
Oraibi Lawyers only assists adults in such proceedings (e.g. parents and guardians).
If your children are under the supervision of the juvenile court and you would like to have an (extended) contact with them, you can contact us for assistance and support.