Immigration law
Immigration law
Aliens or migration law covers all legal rules and procedures on the admission, residence and removal of people who are not Belgian nationals. The subject matter is complex and includes not only Belgian law, but also European and international law. That is why legal assistance from a lawyer is extremely important.
What does immigration law mean?
This branch of law covers the legal regulation surrounding the residence of foreigners, as well as the admission or expulsion on Belgian territory of persons who are not Belgian nationals. This includes union citizens (nationals of countries within the EU) and third-country nationals (nationals of non-) European countries.
Only a small group of lawyers has a thorough knowledge of immigration law. Moreover, this is also a branch of law that is constantly changing. Immigration law answers questions on the following topics:
- Family reunification (bringing relatives over from abroad)
- Applications for nationality (obtaining Belgian nationality)
- Humanitarian regularisations (authorisation to remain in Belgium due to special circumstances)
- Medical regularisations (authorisation to remain in Belgium due to medical problems)
- Short-stay visas (e.g. tourist visa, c-visa, marriage or legal cohabitation)
- Labour migration (working and living in Belgium as a foreigner as well as expatriates)
- Foreign students (studying and living in Belgium)
- Victims of human trafficking or human smuggling with illegal status
- ...
When do you need a lawyer?
Immigration law is a complex branch of law that requires expertise and professional knowledge. From the outset, it is important to call on a lawyer who can defend you and give you legal advice. Together we will look for the best solution
Oraibi Lawyers
Lawyer immigration law in Antwerp
Mr Fatima ORAIBI has a special knowledge of the laws and regulations concerning migration and closely follows legislative changes and case law concerning migration law. Right from the start of an application or procedure, you can contact our office with all your questions about your status or the possibilities of regularising your status.
The firm has extensive expertise within migration law and a thorough knowledge of human rights closely related to immigration law.
Also, if you or a family member has applied to obtain a visa and you receive a negative decision of the Immigration Department (DVZ), then you can appeal to our office to file an appeal with the Board of Immigration Appeals (RVV).
"Liberty Is The Right To Do What The Law Permits."
- MontesquieuImmigration law in brief
Humanitarian and medical regularisations
Asylum and international protection
Acquisition of Belgian nationality
Work and student visas, ...
Recognition of foreign deeds
Do you have any other questions?
If you have any further questions, you can always contact our office.
By phone
You can always reach us on weekdays from 9 am to 6 pm. For urgent matters, please send an e-mail or use our chat box.
If you also wish to provide documents or have urgent questions, you can always email us.
Each case is unique and requires its own approach. During the initial consultation, we will discuss the costs in detail and you will get a transparent picture of the fee and costs.